Congratulations on the arrival of your new kitten. Owning a kitten is a wonderful experience and should be a happy one for you, your family and your kitten. A new kitten quickly becomes a part of the family and most owners want it to be healthy and to remain healthy. This is a guide to help you with your new kitten.


Kittens and cats must be vaccinated. This begins from 9 weeks old; a second vaccination is given 3 weeks later. Vaccinations are against Feline Leukaemia, Feline Parvovirus, Calici, Rhinotracheitis viruses and Chlamydophilia felis. Annual booster vaccination is essential to maintain protection.


Kittens only get one chance to develop a strong healthy body so it is essential to feed a properly balanced diet . For this reason we recommend Vet Essentials Kitten food.

Kittens and cats have specific nutritional requirements and should only be fed good quality cat food; do not feed dog food or human food. Follow feeding guides carefully and do not over feed.


Fleas are blood-sucking parasites which spread disease, infest humans and cause skin diseases. Use only safe and effective products recommended by City Vet to treat for fleas. Flea collars, most sprays and pet shop treatments are ineffective.

Ear Mites

These are insect-like parasites commonly found in the ears of cats and dogs. They are highly contagious spreading easily to other pets. Headshaking, ear scratching and black wax may be the only signs of infestation. Complications include infections and long-term damage to the ear.


Insuring your pet is recommended to protect its health and for your peace of mind as serious illness or injury does occur and may require a lot of treatment and expense.


All cats should be neutered. Female cats are spayed at 6 months of age to prevent the birth of unwanted kittens. Castration of male cats reduces the tendency to fight and roam. It also eliminates the very unpleasant odour associated with Tom cats’ urine.


A small microchip is inserted under the skin in the neck area which is used to identify your pet if it gets lost or stolen. It has an unique number which is registered to the owner.

Toilet Training

Most kittens are house-trained by their mothers. Keep a litter tray in a quiet spot away from human traffic but not too far from the kitten’s bed. If you find the kitten soiling an area other than the litter tray quickly carry it to the tray, but do not punish it. A distracting noise, such as a hand clap, will often stop it going to the toilet quicker than you can reach it. Changing the litter box frequently will help the kitten to use it.


Medium and long-haired cats need to be brushed daily to keep their coats clean and prevent matting. Start grooming early so that your kitten becomes used to it.